About our activity
Get to know us
Clarrion Calls is a non-profit 501(c)3 charity organization with the primary goal of reaching out for children,
elderly and the poor in remote and under privileged communities in the developing world.
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled
Our mission is to help the weak and the highly disadvantaged get back on their feet and live a life of dignity. These are mainly people with limited or virtually no access to health care, food, education, clean drinking water and environment, agriculture and other basic human needs. We bring professionals with diverse specialties to these rural areas to attend to these needs.
Through our diverse network with volunteers and other Non Profit Organizations, we are able to provide durable, specialized and expert support in several rural development programs thereby making a big difference in the lives of the communities we serve. Clarrion Call has been dedicated to investing in the people and economy of Abam community in Abia State, Nigeria and the neighboring cities and villages. Our Educational program targets children and women from poor and economically disadvantaged families who cannot afford basic education.
We provide scholarships to children at head starts, kindergarten and elementary stages. Books, toys, computers and other educational supplies that enhance early learning is our priority as well. Our economic empowerment program constantly seeks innovative and creative ways of helping the poor and economic disadvantaged women and young college graduates to start their own businesses by providing microfinance/loans and financial support. Over the past three years the Clarrion Call organization has been dedicated to enriching the lives of people in Abam, (a community of 28 villages) in Nigeria. The first major achievement of Clarrion Call was the opening of the Upon This Rock Medical Center (UTRMC). UTRMC provides medical services to the people of Abam and other local communities.
In partnership with organizations from around the world, UTRMC is able to provide advanced surgical procedures to those in need. www.uponthisrockmedicalcenter.org
OUR VISION: Our vision is to create a vibrant healthy, environmentally friendly, education and economic empowered community in rural areas.
OUR MISSION: To keep and enhance the quality of life for the poor and needy families through health care, education, economic empowerment and community services.